Shenzhen Dir Label Printing Co., Ltd.

Metallic effects achieved with cold transfer – irresistible at POS, unbeatable in production.

The cold transfer technique for applying metallic effects is the latest rising star in surface finishing. Besides being ideal for wet glue labels, it is also increasingly being used for in-mold labels (IML) and packaging of all types.

It is in these applications that a new technique from Heidelberg is tapping into a broad range of effects for achieving captivating brand experiences and boosting business. Jochen Pecht, Product Manager Sheetfed at Heidelberg, explains how it all works and outlines the benefits of cold transfer using FoilStar when it comes to differentiation, cost-efficiency, and sustainability.

The reason is that, in the past, achieving metallic effects on foil meant having to compromise on quality and productivity. Metallic printing inks don’t achieve the same metallic gloss as cold film. Furthermore, the previous sheetfed offset UV technique could not deliver process stability for cold transfer. That is why we have taken an established technique used in the narrow-web sector and adapted it for our Speedmaster XL 106. New standards are now being set for gloss, adhesion, and process reliability in the sheetfed sector.

First, there is the use of LED UV technology. This means we can achieve better drying performance while at the same time reducing the heat applied to the IML film and energy consumption. Second, we have made changes to the application in key areas. This has enabled us to perfect cold transfer for industrial IML production.

An LED-UV adhesive is applied to the IML film in the first printing unit. The aluminum pigments are applied in the second printing unit. A change to the web guidance for the cold foil means that it stays on the impression cylinder for longer. This is where the foil is dried from above by our DryStar LED Pro dryer, which causes the aluminum pigments and the adhesive to crosslink with a closer bond as it cures. This technique produces metallic pigments that exhibit much better adhesion and a stronger gloss effect and results in high process stability.

Brand owners and retailers appreciate the additional options for differentiation, particularly when it comes to foods. Two thirds of the in-mold labels manufactured worldwide are destined for this market. During field tests, we used low-migration LED UV consumables – inks, adhesives, and gloss coating – and cold foils that are certified for food use. Although the first press went to Russia, it led the way for a series of other customers from Europe and North America. China is on the rise, too.